Engine Population supports marine engine manufacturers to track engines after sale. Get an idea about the engine usage and be aware of the actual owner. You will be noticed about docking and scrapping activities and your after sales team can use these informations to boost their after-sales business.
- Link AIS Tracking Data with your populations and after sales service invoices
- Working hours, sailed sea miles and sailing areas
- Updates on management & ownership of vessel
- Last and top ports and sailing areas of vessel
- Survey dates of vessels and expected areas
- Docking and scrapping activities
- Cold & warm lay ups of vessels
- Integration into your CRM or ERP Intranet
- Speed and draft analysis, slow steaming canditates
- SECA Area analysis
- Find business opportunities
- Offer proactive after sales support to your maritime customers
- Optimize your spare part distribution and minimize inventory costs
- Minimize travelling costs of your engineers
- Know your marketshare and see the trend of your business
- Find grey market activities